Couponis is one of a kind theme that is designed to serve coupons either submitted by your users or imported via XML/CSV file from the affiliate network or both. The theme is designed to be super fast and not to add any stress to WP queries while providing the best features at the same time. With the help of the WP All Import plugin ( free version is enough ), you are able to import any coupons via XML/CSV file provided by your affiliate network.

Couponis Features Overview
Importing Coupons
Couponis is a complete affiliate WordPress theme for coupons. With the help of WP All Import you are able to import coupons either from your file or file provided from your affiliate network. All is done with drag & drop and explained in detail in theme documentation.
Front End Coupon Submit
In order to increase interaction with your visitors, you have the ability to allow our users to submit their coupons which will need to be reviewed before publishing so you have complete control over
Coupon Types
You can serve three types of coupons: Coupon Code ( online code which is usually used at checkout ), Online Sale ( it will lead the visitor to sale page ), In-Store Coupon ( printable coupon which user will take to the store )
Coupon Timing
Coupons can last forever or they can have some limited time. Both of them are fully supported by the theme and their expiration dates and count-down clocks are presented to visitors. Visitors also have the ability to sort coupons by expiration time
Smart Search
On search listing only active coupons are being displayed and listing type and sorting order is remembered for each user and is applied on their every search until they decide to change it. This way visitors always get what they want
Successful Level Of Coupon
Every coupon can work or not and that feedback is also collected from your visitors and it is served to others so they can know if the coupon is worth the time or not. This is present graphically and numerically.
Visual Page Builder
We’ve designed multiple elements which you can organize to create your own Home Page and everything is done via the fastest drag & drop plugin out there.
Profile Pages
Each user can register and get the options to save their favorite stores and coupons so he can store them for later usage or keep track of what is used and what’s not
Social Login
People hate to remember their password/username sets for each site or they just do not like to go through the registration process on every site. That’s why we’ve implemented a system for social login so they can use their Facebook, Twitter, or Google + account to register and login
Speed Optimization
We know that besides good looking of the site speed is very important and that’s why we’ve designed theme which hooks into already created queries of WordPress so searching and listing is fastest as it can possibly be
SEO Optimization
Besides the looks and speed third crucial part of a good website is SEO ranking since is it worth having an awesome site when nobody knows about it. We’ve used the latest SEO standards in designing the theme so you do not have to worry about it
Demo Import
Even though everything is done in native WP way so if you know how to work with posts and pages you will not have any hard time working with coupons as well, we’ve included complete demo content with one click import so you are jump-started in analyzing how things work
Translate Ready (RTL Included)
The theme is easy to translate using the poEdit program and pot file from the language folder. The theme is also designed to work awesome on LTR and RTL languages so do not worry we’ve covered complete Globe
Version 3.1.3
- Added GDPR Support
- Added registration terms option
- Added option to enable user account deactivation
- Added option to disable comments on coupons
- Updated language file
- Minor bug fixes
Version 3.1.2
- Added icon visual representation on select
- Updated language file
- Minor bug fixes
Version 3.1.1
- Added exclusive coupons widget
- Added exclusive coupons element
- Added read more for store and categories
- Added option for double opt-in for MailChimp
- Moved Social Login to theme
- Removed google+ share
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated language file
Version 3.0 Download All Files & Documentation and read changelog
- Minor bug fixes
- Added options for sender name and sender email for register, recover,…
- Updated theme to comply with new Envato theme requirements
- Updated language file
Version 2.9
- Added link for service
- Added option to disable single coupon pages
- Updated language
- Minor bug fix
Version 2.8
- Added element to show coupons from stores
- Added option to select available coupon types
- Added ajax store/category selection for search / submit
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated language
Version 2.7
- Fixed bug with modals on password recovery
- Reply from contact page goes to sender mail now
- Updated language file
Version 2.6
- Added hidden captcha
- Fixed modal without code
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated language file
Version 2.5
- Added agreement option which will show checkbox on the contact page
- Improved code modals a bit
- Updated language file
Version 2.4
- Fixed bug with zoom on store pages
- Added empty stores & categories on submit page
Version 2.3
- Added a block to show coupons by category
- Updated deletion of custom data after WP All Import deletion
- Updated language file
Version 2.2
- Added filter by type on coupon building blocks
- Added filter by type on latest coupons widget
- Added option to disable submit
- Fixed bug with hidden stores in my account
- Fixed bug with 2 featured sliders
- Fixed latest coupons widget
- Fixed bug with the hover action button
- Updated language file
Version 2.1
- Fixed images on similar coupons on small screens
- Added share on the single coupon page
- Small bug fixes
Version 2.0
- Added coupon listing image
- Added pagination on All Stores
- Added blogs module
- Added ‘Expired’ filter in admin coupon listing
- Added markers for stores
- Added load more All Stores Alt
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated language files
Version 1.9
- Added workaround for modal inputs on iPhone7
- Added option to delete coupons and store images on their deletion
- Added alt tag for logo
- Added support for disabling registration ( Settings -> General -> Anyone can register )
- Updated language files
- Improved import ( images associated with store and coupons are deleted upon store/coupon deletion)
- Fixed bug with a login message
- Fixed bug with alt text on import
- Fixed share bug
Version 1.8
- Added exclusivity field in the import
- Added support for setting time for expire
- Added option to show time on coupon boxes next to date
- Fixed ordering on stores and categories
Version 1.7
- Added options to filter Featured Coupon by Category and Store with ordering
- Minor style improvements
- Fixed bug with a link to All Stores
- Fixed bug with submitting coupon on entering while in text area
- Fixed bug with letters ordering on stores template with filter
- Fixed bug with importing images located in WP All Import ‘files’ folder
- Fixed bug with an opening popup in safari
- Updated language file
Version 1.6
- Added search by text for coupons in page builder
- Added option to change sidebar position on coupon single
- Added similar coupons on coupon single page
- Added more support for Google Ads in header and sidebar
- Added ALT field for coupon featured and store logo images in coupon importing
- Improved compatibility with WordPress 4.9
- Style fix for updated google font Montserrat
- Minor bug fixes
- Updated language file
Version 1.5
- Added option to disable share
- Added field for store description in the importer
- Added Instagram to social icons in the footer
- Updated language file
- Fixed bug with importer
Version 1.4
- Added search by the text of coupons, categories, stores in builder modules
- Added options to change coupon, category, and store slugs
- Added options for social links in the footer
- Added additional store listing page by letter and with search
- Updated language file
- Fixed subscribe widget
- Fixed BG image of buttons in modal
- Fixed bug with searching with taxonomy
- Fixed bug with expiring coupons on the day before
Version 1.3
- Fixed bug with coupon featured images on the listing
- Fixed bug with expire date on coupon single when the coupon is unlimited
- Fixed bug with registration link
Version 1.2
- Added option to enable empty categories and stores
- Added link cloak
- Added JS auto-copy instead of Flash
- Fixed bug with expire date z-index on the grid listing
Version 1.1
NOTICE: Images from the demo are not included in the demo content, in place of them, a placeholder image is being used ( same behavior like demo images ) in order not to violate the image license.