WooCommerce API Manager


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  • It is good practice to update the PHP version before the end-of-life where that version is no longer supported even with security fixes. See current supported PHP versions.
  • When upgrading from API Manager pre 2.0 to 2.0 or greater, the data is migrated to custom database tables and the old data is deleted. There is no ability to rollback, or downgrade, to the older version. Test first, backup, and be prepared before upgrading.
  • OpenSSL should be kept up-to-date.
  • An HTTPS connection to your store is highly recommended.
  • The AUTH_KEY and NONCE_SALT constants that should exist in wp-config.php are used by the API Manager for advanced encryption. If these constants are absent go to https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ and add those keys to wp-config.php.
  • In wp-config.php define( WP_DEBUG’, false ); If debug displays errors on a live production site it will break API requests.
  • Do not cache query strings, since query strings are used in API requests, and must always be unique, not cached copies of previous requests or the API requests will break.
  • NEVER cache the home page URL, since that is where the APIs listen for requests. If the home page URL is cached, the APIs will break if the query string requests are also cached. POST and GET requests should never be cached.
  • Be careful with firewalls, since they can break API requests.
  • CloudFlare may cache query strings, so check the settings.
  • DO NOT DELETE PRODUCTS if the API checkbox has been selected. Once a product has been selected to be used as an API product, that product ID will become the product_id (an integer) used by the API Manager to identify that product going forward. Deleting the product will break all client API requests for that product.
  • If a product is duplicated, make sure the API information is unique to the newly created product.
  • As of version 2.1, the API Manager authenticates with Amazon S3 using AWS Signature Version 4.

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Yes of course, because we buy products from the original author and resell them.
All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do.
Ignore it. Developers include these so that the plugin or theme can update automatically or so that you can register for support. The item itself will work perfectly fine without anything being entered in the box. We would recommend updating your theme/plugins manually when updates become available on our site.
Yes, You can open ticket, and we will update asap in business day. ( Normally less than 24 hours, except holidays period )
We provide basic support for installing plugins and themes.


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Item Information

Last Update: March 13, 2023
Released: September 28, 2021
Version: 2.5.5