remove default author profile fields in wordpress

Are you seeking for a solution to delete fields from a WordPress author profile?



Regardless of the sort of website you have, WordPress displays standard data in author profiles. You can modify your site to your needs and make the WordPress admin panel easier by deleting the default fields.

We’ll show you how to delete default author profile fields in WordPress in this article.

Remove Default Author Profile Fields in WordPress

When Should Default Author Profile Fields Be Removed?

You’ll have default fields to fill out when creating an author profile on your WordPress site. These fields can be found on any website, including blogs, WooCommerce stores, and membership sites.

You can remove these default fields from the author profile in specific circumstances and preserve only the ones that you need.

If you don’t need to use specific social networking platforms, for example, deleting these fields from the WordPress admin panel can help you make it more streamlined and user-friendly for your customers and clients.

So, let’s have a look at how you may get rid of the default author profile fields in WordPress.

Default Author Profile Fields are being removed.


We’ve provided easy code snippets that you can apply to your WordPress theme files to eliminate the default author profile fields.

You can quickly add custom code snippets to your site by following our instructions on how to do so in WordPress.

Remove the Author Profile’s Default Social Media Fields

The default author profile fields in older versions of WordPress were AIM, Yahoo IM, and Jabber/Gtalk.

If you’re using an older version of WordPress and wish to get rid of these social network fields, edit your theme’s functions.php file with the following code:

add_filter('user_contactmethods', function($methods) {
    unset($methods['aim'], $methods['yim'], $methods['jabber']);
    return $methods;
}, 999);

Author Profile Fields Should Be Removed Third-Party Plugins have been added.

Some plugins will occasionally add extra author profile fields to your website.

You can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file to prevent WordPress plugins from adding custom fields to the author profile section or to remove any fields that they may have added:

add_filter('user_contactmethods', function() {
    return array();
}, 999);

After you’ve inserted the code, your author profile area will only have the default fields and won’t be cluttered with fields from other plugins.



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