For WordPress users

WordPress is a fantastic platform, but only because it is backed by a fantastic community. Thousands of plugins are available for download for free in the repository. Thank you to the wonderful plugin creators that provided us with this gift. Now it’s our job to return the favor. It’s aggravating to get on a plugin page that has been downloaded thousands of times but only has one person confirming whether it works or not. We understand that not everyone can code, but everybody can test. We may all take 5 seconds of our time and check the plugin compatibility on the WordPress Plugin Repository.



This will benefit all other WordPress users who were considering utilizing the plugin because they will now feel much more at ease using it. Assurance is beneficial to customer pleasure. Akismet is pre-installed on every self-hosted WordPress installation, and more than half of those blogs use it. Unfortunately, just 5 individuals took the time to indicate that Akismet is compatible with WordPress 3.0.1. Why do people do what they do?


The plugin repository has been revamped by some fantastic community members. The entire point of this post is to encourage users to vote on which versions of plugins they use are compatible with each other. If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, watch the video below:


To begin, you’ll need a account, which is useful because it allows you to submit plugin bug reports, perform compatibility checks, and answer questions, among other things. This link will allow you to create a free account.


After that, go to the WordPress Plugin Repository and look for the plugin you’re using. We’ll use the plugin Comment Redirect in this example because we already have it installed on our site and know it works with WordPress 3.0.1. Over 7,000 people have downloaded this plugin, and at least half of them are still using it. However, there are no indications as to whether it works or not.



Because it works, all we have to do now is click the Works button. It will now display to other users that this plugin has been verified to function with WordPress 3.0.1 by one user. So, if someone else wants to utilize it, at least one person can reassure them that it works.

wordpress users

However, if more people vote, this could be a positive sign. For WordPress to be certain that it works, it needs at least 4 votes. Below is an image for the All in One SEO Pack Plugin, which has received enough votes for WordPress to approve it.



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