WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping


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Proposez facilement des tarifs d’expédition en fonction de la distance ou de la durée totale du trajet à votre client.
WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping


Calculating shipping rates based on different parameters could be a nagging problem for store owners. Incorrect shipping charges could be a reason for bad customer experience, and could lead to cart abandonment. One of the more straightforward ways to calculate shipping charges would be based on the distance to the shipping destination. WooCommerce lets you set up flat shipping rates based on different geographical locations, though plugins make it much easier to calculate rates based on distance. In this article, we will discuss some of the best WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping plugins.

With this plugin, you will be able to offer shipping rates based on the distance to the destination, or the total time it takes to reach the customer. You can easily set up shipping rules based on distance as well as total travel time. In addition, the plugin helps you manage additional charges based on the number of items in the cart, total cart value or total weight as well. If your business strategy requires you to take into account the distance or logistical challenges, then this plugin is ideal for shipping cost calculation.




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Yes of course, because we buy products from the original author and resell them.
All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do.
Ignore it. Developers include these so that the plugin or theme can update automatically or so that you can register for support. The item itself will work perfectly fine without anything being entered in the box. We would recommend updating your theme/plugins manually when updates become available on our site.
Yes, You can open ticket, and we will update asap in business day. ( Normally less than 24 hours, except holidays period )
We provide basic support for installing plugins and themes.


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Item Information

Last Update: March 26, 2022
Released: September 28, 2021
Version: 1.0.27